Sunday, 25 August 2019

Repeated Gallantry: brave veterans of the Anglo-Boer War

During the Anglo-Boer War there were only three gallantry awards available to the Army; Victoria Cross, Distinguished Service Order and the Distinguished Conduct Medal.

78 Victoria Crosses and 2092 DCMs were awarded. The number of gallantry DSOs has not been calculated and they are excluded here.

Thousands of ABW veterans went on to serve in other wars, notably the First World War. The tables below show the gallantry awards subsequently won by ABW veterans.

Further details on these men are available on The Register.

You can see which ABW veterans went on to win their first gallantry awards (and other orders and campaign medals) using the search in The Research Centre.

VC winners - who subsequently won a second VC (1):

Name Rank Number Unit Remarks
Martin-Leake, A Surgeon-Captain South African Constabulary

DCM winners - who subsequently won an MC (50):

Name Rank Number Unit Remarks
Acraman, WE Colour-Sergeant 3070 Grenadier Guards
Axten, S Sergeant 3172 Cameron Highlanders
Beckett, AC Corporal 27995 Engineers, Royal
Bell, WC Lance-Sergeant 6380 Fusiliers, Royal
Belt, CB Quartermaster Sergeant 2814 South Staffordshire Regiment
Boast, ST Quartermaster Sergeant 1989 South Lancashire Regiment
Bradley, SGL Colour-Sergeant 328 Middlesex Rifle Volunteers
Brown, A Sergeant-Major 2623 Dorset Regiment
Burke, J Sergeant-Major 43 Dublin Fusiliers
Carney, TP Drummer 5748 East Yorks Regiment
Chalmers, J Sergeant 4978 Scottish Rifles
Clarke, AJ Sergeant 3012 Norfolk Regiment
Collier, A Sergeant 3513 18th Hussars
Croydon, AC Colour-Sergeant 4401 Lincolnshire Regiment
Dakin, E Colour-Sergeant 4649 Royal Lancaster Regiment
Downing, S Sergeant 2689 Devonshire Regiment
Dunn, JC Trooper 8376 Imperial Yeomanry
Finney, W Colour-Sergeant 3154 Manchester Regiment
Forbes, HN Sergeant 4216 5th Lancers
Harford, CE Regimental Quartermaster Corporal Major 1284 Royal Horse Guards (The Blues)
Harris, CB Sergeant 2481 Horse Artillery, Royal
Hazelgrove, A Drill Sergeant 1703 Grenadier Guards
Hazelwood, J Colour-Sergeant 4588 South Staffordshire Regiment
Hodgkinson, C Sergeant 3496 Worcestershire Regiment
Hudson, J Colour-Sergeant 398 Irish Guards also awarded bar to DCM
Jones, TA Colour-Sergeant 3871 Sussex Regiment
Langrish, W Sergeant 3433 Scottish Rifles
Leavens, FC Sergeant 3254 East Surrey Regiment
MacWhinnie, NH Sergeant 5177 King's Own Scottish Borderers
Marsden, WH Lance-Sergeant 4956 Shropshire Light Infantry
Moncrieffe, JA Sergeant 252 Imperial Yeomanry
Moore, J Sergeant 4204 King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry
Nicholl, RA Corporal 26794 Engineers, Royal
Parker, EA Sergeant-Major 1726 Welsh Fusiliers, Royal
Pepper, AL Colour-Sergeant 2624 Norfolk Regiment
Percy, HJ Colour-Sergeant 3046 East Surrey Regiment
Reid, W Quartermaster Sergeant 3479 Inniskilling Fusiliers
Richardson, JT Quartermaster Sergeant 2547 Norfolk Regiment
Roberts, FG Colour-Sergeant 4930 Scots Fusiliers, Royal
Ross, T Sergeant-Major 8322 Scots Guards
Rouse, AW Sergeant-Major 5365 Berkshire Regiment
Routh, PG Sergeant 314 Strathcona's Horse
Scaife, J Corporal 2622 Gloucester Regiment
Seaton, W Colour-Sergeant 4440 Derbyshire Regiment
Shea, JPL Colour-Sergeant 4236 Durham Light Infantry
Simpson, W Colour-Sergeant 6867 King's Own Scottish Borderers
Watts, AF Sergeant 87933 Field Artillery, Royal
Wenham, E Sergeant 9283 King's Royal Rifle Corps
White, EO Colour-Sergeant 2877 Border Regiment
Withers, J Corporal 3250 Leicestershire Regiment

DCM winners - who subsequently won a bar to the DCM (16):

Name Rank Number Unit Dated Bar
Boyd, W Private 3493 Middlesex Regiment '14th JUNE 1915'
Burley, JE Lance-Corporal 4 West Australian MI
Carney, TP Drummer 5748 East Yorks Regiment
Cownie, S Private 6411 Royal Scots Also won an MM
Howells, A Private 5771 South Wales Borderers
Hudson, J Colour-Sergeant 398 Irish Guards '10th -11th AUGUST 1915', also awarded MC
Hudson, WG Sergeant 2208 Devonshire Regiment
Lawn, JW Private 5516 King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry '29th SEPTEMBER 1915'
MacDonald, A Drummer 4938 Hampshire Regiment  '19th OCTOBER 1914'
MacKie, JD Colour-Sergeant 1980 Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
MacKinnon, A Sergeant 2541 Cameron Highlanders '25th-27th SEPT. 1915'
McIntyre, WL Colour-Sergeant 2794 Highland Light Infantry '30th JULY 1915'
Noble, A Colour-Sergeant 3042 Durham Light Infantry '31st JULY 1915'
Shields, W Gunner 95011 Garrison Artillery, Royal '28TH JANUARY 1916'
Skinner, J Colour-Sergeant 4853 Seaforth Highlanders
Wing, FW Sergeant 3802 5th Lancers

DCM winners - who subsequently won an MM (3):

Name Rank Number Unit Remarks
Cownie, S Private 6411 Scots, Royal Also won a second bar to the DCM
Donnelly, JP Private 3269 East Yorks Regiment
Holmes, W Sergeant 5433 Dublin Fusiliers

Monday, 24 June 2019

A failed escape attempt? - Sgt Delaney, Royal Irish Fusiliers

Eighty British soldiers are recorded as having escaped from captivity, from about 10,000 soldiers captured. But, only 6,000 POWs were kept for any length of time. After September 1900, most British POWs were kept for a short period of time, some only long enough to be stripped of useful arms, ammunition, clothing, food and valuables before being set free to hobble barefoot and nearly naked back to camp.

A post on featured the exploits of two escapers of the New South Wales Lancers, Troopers Ford and Whittington. The text and images come from "the first 150 pages of Volume 62 of The Graphic, July to December 1900." A report was carried in the newspapers in June from which the account in The Graphic relies on heavily.

Trooper Milverton Ford had his account published in The Sydney Mail Saturday 30 June 1900 which is transcribed here. He notes they were joined by: "a sergeant of the Royal Irish Fusiliers, who had seen service in India and Omdurman". The report in The Graphic names him as "Sgt Delaney".

Whittington and Ford arrived safely in Delagoa Bay, Portuguese East Africa, but what happened to Sgt Delaney and who was he?

In the report published by the Sydney Mail Ford says that Delaney split from them after four days, "Parting as friends", heading south towards the railway at Bronkhorst Spruit. No further mention is made of him. However, the report published in the Daily Mail (Perth, Western Australia) two weeks earlier on 16th June, states that "Near Middelburg they missed Sergeant Delaney". Middelburg and Bronkhorstspruit are nearly 100km apart in a rough east-west line; Bronkhorstspruit is not south from Middelburg. There is definitely some confusion in Ford's account or the re-telling by the journalist who recorded it.

There was only one Sergeant Delaney of the Royal Irish Fusiliers captured in the war, 4245 C Delaney. The published Natal Field Force simply shows him as dying in Pretoria on 21st May, 1900, no record of him being captured. However, he must have been a POW to have died in Pretoria before the city was captured on 6th June, 1900. Delaney was most likely a POW at Nicholson's Nek on 30th October, 1899, although he was also present at Talana ten days prior.

Contemporary newspapers published confusing information about Delaney's exact date of death. The Army & Navy Gazette, 16th June, and The Times, 11th June, both state the date as 21st May,  but in the Army & Navy Gazette edition published 14th July it states "30-04". Only the latter publication shows the cause of death as peritonitis.

If this is the same Sgt Delaney as escaped with Ford and Whittington then he must have been re-captured by the Boers and returned to the POW camp. Ford recounts that "some of these who had attempted to escape before us contracted fever, and gave themselves up soon afterwards, returning to camp only to die". Delaney became ill and died a prisoner, one of 76 British soldiers to die as a POW, he is buried in Petronella. Sgt 4245 Delaney served in the 1898 Sudan campaign. Unfortunately no service papers have been traced.

Saturday, 4 May 2019

Who was there? 66th battery Royal Field Artillery at Colenso 15th December, 1899

Family historians want to know where their ancestor fought, and medal collectors obtaining a medal to someone involved in a well known action is a popular aim, but how do you know "your man" was there?

The Battle of Colenso on 15th December, 1899 was the third and final British defeat in seven days - christened "Black Week" by the newspapers.

The battle was notable for the loss of four guns from 66th battery and six from 14th battery, despite attempts to recover them under intense fire from the Boers that resulted in multiple casualties. Just two of the original 12 guns that were marooned were recovered. The remaining 10 were abandoned on the field of battle on the orders of the British commander, Major-General Sir Redvers Buller, VC. The loss of the guns, a rare event and embarrassment to the Army. For the Royal Artillery the guns were their Colours - the flags each infantry regiment used to carry into battle. The Colours were defended resolutely and many lives were lost in their defense. Conversely capturing the enemies' Colours was a great and celebrated event.

Darrell Hall's excellent forensic examination of the artillery at Colenso is essential reading to understand the battle.                                                              
Immediately news of the battle and the loss of the guns was telegraphed to the world a row broke out; "Who was responsible?" Buller blamed his chief gunner, Colonel CJ Long for positioning the guns too close to the Boer positions so their fire blasted the gunners from their guns. Others blamed Buller for ordering efforts to recover the guns to be stopped and the guns left as his army retreated from Colenso.                                                                                                                                                                         In efforts to recover the guns six Victoria Crosses and 22 Distinguished Conduct Medals were awarded. One of the VC winners was Lt FHS Roberts, King's Royal Rifle Corps, the only son of Field Marshal Lord Roberts VC, who was given command in South Africa following "Black Week".

Which members of the 66th battery fought at Colenso? Obviously, the one VC and 13 DCM winners and casualties from the battery are confirmed as being present. But, this group is the minority of those who were present at the battle.

Casualties 66th battery

    Officer    NCO       Other        Rank        Total
KIA 1 2 3 6
WO 3 2 10 15
POW 2 4 15 21

2 2
Total 6 8 30 44

The next source of identification is the clasp qualification on the Queen's South Africa medal. The "Relief of Ladysmith" clasp covers this battle, but also other battles, the qualification date for the clasp is from the 15th December, 1899 to the 28th February, 1900. Therefore soldiers not present at Colenso could be awarded the clasp the same as those present at Colenso, how do you tell them apart?

A total of 266 men are on the roll of the 66th battery with the clasp "Relief of Ladysmith", but the usual complement of a battery was 171 men (from Hall), a contemporary account states there were 165 men in the battery at the battle of Colenso (Act-Bdr 31002 T Stephenson, English Lakes Visitor 20-01-1900). It is clear that about 100 men on the 66th battery roll with the clasp "Relief of Ladysmith" could not have been at the battle. To identify the men who were there from those who were not you need to establish when they joined the battery. A number of men were bought into the battery to make up for its losses at Colenso. This information can be found in the service records.

For each of the 266 men I have looked for service papers and constructed a nominal roll for the battery at Colenso. Each man's entry in The Register will show whether it was likely he served at the battle or not. A summary is shown in the table below:

Rank Establishment (from Hall) Total on Roll Present - 66th btty Percentage of establishment Present Other # Not Present Unknown *
Major  1 2 1 100
Captain 1 4 1 100 1 1 1
Lieutenant ^ 3 5 3 100
Battery Sergeant-Major 1 3 1 100
1 1
Quartermaster Sergt~ 1 3 2 200
Farrier Sergt~ 1 3 1 100 1
Sergeant 6 10 6 100
1 3
Bombardier~ 6 15 9 150
3 3
Corporal 6 9 3 50
3 3
Trumpeter 2 4 2 100 1
Farrier 4 0 0 0

Saddler 2 0 0 0

Wheeler~ 2 3 2 100

Gunner 76 104 61 80 4 18 21
Driver 59 88 48 80 5 15 20
Cpl SS 0 1 1 0

Cpl Collar Maker 0 1 1 0

Bmdr CM 0 3 1 0
1 1
Shoeing-Smith 0 8 6 0 2

171 266 148 87 14 47 57

^ the number of Lieutenants on the roll is unusually inflated by 1 as Lt CStL Hawkes was on the sick list at the time of the battle and his place was taken by Lt GL Butler from the Unattached List.
~ Ranks listed follow Hall, these ranks include trades such as Wheelers and Acting ranks as shown on the medal roll, such as Wheeler QMS and Acting Bombardier
# Present other - with RA Staff or 66th battery's Brigade partners the 7th and 14th batteries
* Unknown - no service papers or papers show no proof

This table shows that 86% of the 66th battery who served at Colenso have been verified as joining the battery prior to the 15th December, 1899. Two men were transferred in just two days prior to the battle. A further 62 who appear on the 66th battery medal roll for the "Relief of Ladysmith" clasp did not serve with the battery on the 15th December. There is a large rump, 56 men, for whom no proof has been found that they served, numerically over half of this group could not have served with the battery at Colenso.

Having established that "your man" was there the next question is "Where was he on the battlefield, what did he do?". Did "your man" try and rescue the guns?

Again, unless he won a gallantry medal this is very difficult to establish. It is believed that all who tried to rescue the guns either received a gallantry medal or were killed in the attempt. However Bombardier 31002 T Stephenson wrote a number of letters home, in one he gives a lengthy account of his unsuccessful attempt to rescue a gun (English Lakes Visitor 20-01-1900). Stephenson did not receive a gallantry award, so his letter raises the possibility others tried to rescue the guns whose names have been lost.

Artillery batteries are very structured, divided into "the guns" and "the ammunition supply". Certain ranks only served in one of those sections; Lieutenants, Sergeants and Bombardiers served on the guns, Corporals were on the ammunition wagons (in the rear). Gunners and Drivers, the most numerous ranks in the battery, served on both the guns and ammunition wagons. 

In Bombardier 31002 T Stephenson's lengthy account he summarises, "Out of 165 men only 91 returned, but half of them were in charge of the baggage." (English Lakes Visitor 20-01-1900) The figure of "91 returned" seems low given that only 44 of the battery were casualties. Stephenson, according to his account, was stranded on the battlefield and made his own way back to camp. Perhaps there were more stragglers like him to add to the "91 returned". From the nature of the fight, the majority of casualties were among the gun crews and not the ammunition wagon crews, as Stephenson remarks, "half of them were in charge of the baggage.". Most Gunners and Drivers who were present but not casualties or gallantry award winners would not have been with the guns but on the ammunition wagons. The experience of the men on the ammunition wagons, well to the rear of the guns themselves - about 800 yards on the day sheltered in the "large donga" was different to those serving the guns exposed to the full force of the Boer fire.

The other evidence showing "he was there" is a letter or account either written by the man or he is named. I have found letters, long and short from three members of the 66th battery:

Shoeing-Smith 25723 AH Butler
Gunner 29487 W Silsby
Acting Bombardier 31002 T Stephenson

No doubt others exist.

This work has uncovered two new casualties; Driver 6302 T Jeffs was, according to his service papers, wounded, Driver 31020 J Williams suffered from chorea, literally "shell shock" when a "shell burst above his head". He is not in the official casualty roll due, I believe that chorea was not regarded as "wound", accordingly I have not included him as a casualty above. Gunner 85109 J Treanor was actually in prison on the 15th December, he is counted as "not present".

Friday, 26 April 2019

Royal Army Medical Corps - casualty analysis

The Royal Army Medical Corps served throughout the war in every theatre. They served on the front line and at all stations back to the hospital ships taking wounded and sick men back to Great Britain.

When I analysed their casualties I was surprised at how few men were battle casualties.

A total of 411 men became casualties, as expected the overwhelmingly majority fell victim to disease, 68%, only 18% were battle casualties.

Total RAMC Casualties (some men had more than one casualty)

* - Died, cause not known
~ - Miscellaneous, various known; poisoning, during surgery, hepatitis, etc.

Breakdown of Battle Casualties

Died of wounds

The men of the RAMC were certainly in the firing line. The Corps won five Victoria Crosses – all for tending the wounded under fire,  and 37 DCMs, 14 of these were to the rank of Lance-Sergeant and below and would have been for gallantry in action. Those of  the rank Sergeant and above could equally of have been awarded DCMs for good service in the war as for an act of gallantry.